Originally Posted by macnut
Welcome to the forum. I don’t know much about your issue, but you may want to checkout this YouTube channel. This guy has fixed many many roofs the right way.
There's also some good information on roof sealing here:
I'm with you. Glopping on more sealant isn't the solution but judiciously removing old sealant and re-applying it makes sense. In some cases you may find it necessary to remove and completely re-bed a leaking fixture.
Winnebago publishes quite a bit of information on sealants. Although your MH is older than the info they provide, things don't change that much and the info for newer MHs reflects the more current thinking:
You'll find that many default to Dicor, which is probably the most common sealant in the industry. By Dicor's own documentation, it is, however, intended for rubber roofs. Here's a video by AZ Expert on the subject:
I don't know if your '93 is of similar construction, but, in addition to leaks, pay particular attention to sealing your roof edges to avoid a total roof failure. This is covered in the above referenced sites, including AZ Expert. Here's another video on the roof edge topic: