sounds like a good time to point to some really good info sites, if you have not found them yet!
Winn home site and under the "owners" tab is a start to finding tons of good stuff, like owners manuals wiring and plumbing, etc.
One of my favs is the interactive parts catalog, not so much for ordering parts but as a way to find things without moving too far! It lets us "look through walls" almost like Superman! don't miss it for where they put things as you can click the name in the list at right to light it in yellow on the drawings.
Or if you spot an odd thing on the drawing (or want to know what's under a cover?), you can click the item on the drawing to pop up the name in the list!
Under the left seat? Shows pretty well nothing but space that I believe is cut out in the slides as a way to move in over some section on the body??

It looks pretty solid and not going to want to move??

So your job might be to look at what is so important and unmovable that they went to the trouble to build around it?
Why no RV year, make and floorplan on MY signature as we suggest for others?
I currently DO NOT have one!