Pros and Cons.
CON: Residential fridges for the most part are power hogs, and they eat 120vac, You do not have 120vac less you put in an inverter, when you are not parked in a park.
That said, there are some new HIGH EFFIENCY types that sip power (like less than 50 watts door closed) some even run on 12vdc!!!! Alas, you won't find them at Best Buy though...
Absorption cooling units (RV type are even worse power hogs, often drawing 2-3 times what a much larger residential unit draws, but they can "Draw" that power off the propane tank.. Which saves your batteries big time.
HOWEVER they contain ammonia, which is flammable, and the propane burner is an "open flame" . Many are concerned about the fire hazard. NOTE that this technology i older than you and I put together and unless there is a leak, there is no danger.
When (not if) my RV type fails (They all fail sooner or later, So do residential types) I'm not sure what I'll replace it with. The larger size of the residential .... Is very attractive.
Home is where I park it!