It would be good to learn how to find info about your motorhome online from Winnebago.
For instance... here is a link to the sealant guide for your motorhome. It will tell you want to use on your RV.
You will find links to all kinds of documentation, parts, lists, diagrams etc for your 2000 Minnie Winnie. If you go to:
On that Sealant guide you'll see Winnebago part numbers. You can either order those part numbers from Lichtsinn RV OR... what I do is do a google search for that part number and that usually gives the the name brand.
For instance: Sealant A 072289 is Manus Bond AM75
Sealant B and C are: NuFlex 311 or Hengs 311 Silicone
The small numbers in the parts list are for color like, black, white, clear. That doesn't matter as much as the brand and that it is either silicone or urethane depending on location.
Lichtsinn RV Parts website:
As to the FlexSeal you've put on there???? Who knows.