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Old 02-20-2024, 10:48 AM   #21
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But on the other hand?
I find RV to be highly unreliable but learned to live with it. But as I get older, I now find that the medical field is just as unreliable as the RV world!
Why no RV year, make and floorplan on MY signature as we suggest for others?
I currently DO NOT have one!
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Old 02-20-2024, 11:29 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Marine359 View Post
Of course you wouldn’t accept that from a car. But RVs are not anything like cars.
An RV is a conglomeration of components, many of which can be found in a home, mounted inside a flimsy enclosure which gets moved down the road as if it we’re in a category 8.5 earthquake for hours. There simply is no other manufactured product that has to be used in that environment, and be expected to work 100% of the time. First thing is you need to get over thinking you can hold RVs to the same expectation level as a car or truck. If you can’t mentally make that disconnect, you will always be frustrated in your RV experience. If you can’t get over that, then RVing is not for you. That’s OK, and not a condemnation. If you can’t reconcile the added repair and maintenance burden that RVs demand, don’t ever buy a boat, or an airplane. Both of those make RVs seem like child’s play.
I was laughing so hard when you mentioned boat and airplane maintenance. I grew up with salt water boats, my late father was a seaman and fisherman. Our friend flew a Cessna prop plane. My experience with BOTH were far more troublesome than my motorhomes.
From my experience the majority of trailers are made worse than motorized rigs. And that is extremely unfortunate.
I agree with you, this is NOT for everyone, and owning one requires steady and extensive maintenance. When someone asks me I tell them rent them if you’re interested in motorized. See if you like it. Or buy a used trailer and try the lifestyle ( you don’t lose as much if it doesn’t work. )
The lifestyle is definitely a great deal of work.
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Old 02-20-2024, 04:18 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by lgudema View Post
It's been a while, and the dealer says that they've seen multiple tanks drop off. Do you know how to get a copy of the regs? I've looked all over the RVIA site but can't find it. Thanks!

I just today revisited this thread and read your question of me. To read and print out the RVIA plumbing code, it's actually the adopted NFPA code 1192 RV plumbing code; go to, create a free account that allows you to read codes free. I read it but forget the section and
The NFPA code has been read into the Federal Register, which incorporated it into federal law.
2000 Winnebago Ultimate Freedom USQ40JD, ISC 8.3 Cummins 350, Spartan MM Chassis. USA 1SG, retired;PPA,Good Sam Life member,FMCA. "We the people are the rightful masters of both the Congress and the Courts - not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow men who pervert the Constitution." Abraham Lincoln
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Old 02-29-2024, 11:21 AM   #24
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I've had 6 different RV's from Various brands, 5th wheels, travel trailers and now a motorhome. I can tell you there all put together in haste, and staples. Junk! It's a Damm shame. If your not handy around the tool box, eventually you will be, or you'll vo broke. Rv's are not very forgiving. You'll find cheap materials throughout.
On this trip alone so far, Ive had a coupling come off the black tank. All the hose clamps were finger tight. Shower head connection behind shower stall was leaking water inside the wall and spraying water on the coach's main control panel do to the factory trying to put something together that didn't fit (to short of a nipple), with only 1 thread in the 90° fitting. The shower mixing valve cartridge shattered and we couldn't use the water systems for 4 days. Washer and dryer brackets were attached with one bracket and 1 screw. That came apart. Washer spin cycle doesn't work correctly, both windshield wiper blades came off 1st time I had to use them, refrigerator is not mounted at all as far as I can tell, and every time we hit a bump it tries to walk out into the galley taking out the trim that surrounds it. The trim is stapled in, the electric fireplace rattles the entire time, while traveling, and there's wood powder from the installation inside the glass that I can't get to, window screen clips and or screens rattle and fall off, window seals between glass and the side of the coach stick to the glass when you attempt to open the windows, galley led lighting flickers, Bedroom closet clothes rod broke off. No center support. So please don't anybody tell me that it's an operators fault or that the new gut in this rv game is doing something wrong. I was a engineering officer is the USCG, and I've worked on everything that's mechanical my whole life and I find the RV industry Sucks. Plain and simple. I still do it only because I don't fly, and don't stay in hotels, so it's my own fault. When it goes right it's fantastic, but we are continually working on or having work done on all of our past and present RV's. I can't stand lack of quality control, and that is the problem Along with a company that cheaps out on materials. Prove me wrong!
Oh and most people won't tell you this because there embarrassed to confirm that there nice new rv isn't working well. I'll tell you like it is.
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Old 02-29-2024, 12:19 PM   #25
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The gospel according to @Sniperchief.
Thank you Chief, and thank you for your service.
To a lesser or greater extent most everyone who has purchased the Winnebago brand in the past five years has suffered similar indignities. In my case, the fresh water tank fell out, the fridge fell out of its cabinet, the microwave cabinet fell apart dumping the microwave onto the floor, etc etc etc. There were more screws on the floor after the first trip than the number in my toolbox, and many staples did not line up with the supporting 1x1 members. Everything was sloppily put together. Fortunately the safety items like frame, wiring, and roof were all ok. If I were not a “Mr. Fix-it” type, I would have tried to dump my camper. But, I was thinking: “Is this any better or worse than all the other crap brands I’ve seen at shows and dealerships?”
Probabably not worse, but not much better either. Build quality simply does not exist any more in the industry, even in the more expensive brands. Some might argue this point, but I believe the only way to get exceptional build quality is to build it yourself, or pay for a custom build out.

Semper Paratus to you Chief.
Jim. Former, 2021b Micro Minnie 2108DS
Boondocking again. Now with a full-electric Tune M1 on a F150. No commercial campgrounds allowed.
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Old 02-29-2024, 12:24 PM   #26
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Well said Marine.
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Old 02-29-2024, 01:46 PM   #27
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I agree and disagree at the same time. Because both realities exist. It's kind of the luck of the draw. Two people can buy two of the exact same model of RV on the same day, even from the same dealer, and one will have nothing but problems and the other person have a pretty great product.

We all know these things are basically hand built without much standardization or even detailed plans. And this means no two RVs are exactly the same. This plays out in many ways and that can be both good and bad.

I had a Forest River that was nothing but trouble. I tend to think that all FR products are poorly made. I had 2 Arctic Fox TTs that were great. So, I think of Arctic Fox products as well made. But if you go on the Forest River forum you can see folks that think their RV is really well made. And, conversely if you go on the Northwood Industries forum you'll read about how bad Arctic Fox TTs are made.

I bought my Winnebago off a lot at LaMesa RV brand new. It has been what I'd consider very well made. Sure a problem here or there - but each problem has really been with some 3rd party supplier's product, not Winnebago's. Now 7-yrs since that purchase with 52,000 miles and it's just keeping up with small issues at this point.

However, I know of no other manufacturer - of motorhomes at least - that publishes as much product detail and resources for owners to take advantage of. I think that's worth a bunch of good will toward the brand. It's too bad they don't offer the same with their non-motorized products.

So, in my book it's the luck of the draw and there is absolutely no way to guarantee which kind of RV you're going to get. A good one or a bad one?
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Old 02-29-2024, 02:43 PM   #28
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Jim. Former, 2021b Micro Minnie 2108DS
Boondocking again. Now with a full-electric Tune M1 on a F150. No commercial campgrounds allowed.
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