Congrats on getting into the RV thing!
But that often does mean we get into looking at how we might change it!
So since there may not be tooo many who know that specific trailer well, is it possible to post up a picture of the lights you might want to change? There are lots of different types,shapes sizes and some come apart in different ways?
For a quick rundown on posting, the picture needs to be on your computer, not on a picture posting site.
Then when the picture is ready, click the "go advanced" tag below.
That gets you a screen with a paperclip at top center.
Click,and follow to select the pic.
Big thing is to not miss the "upload"!
And it's always good to check things before sending the post?
But for bulbs, I always look for LED and that leaves a really wide area, so what I like may/may not fit you?
I go for a really bright white light and that can get into what is called Kelvin rating. Ratings of 6500K is what I like as operating room blue /white but other prefer 3200 K as a more orange color.
But there are LED to fit almost any fixture and they are becoming very cheap so some playing around to find what you like is nota bank breaker.
First point may be to get the cover off to see what you have and then fit the bulb to that. The base shape is a big thing!
Lots of covers come off if we squeeze at the edges of the plastic covers, just enough to let little tabs comeoutof small points around the light edge? Newish covers like you have are not bad but older get brittle and can break when we squeeze!