Spouse and I recently obtained a 2007 Aspect 26A with less than 60,000 miles on her. Prior owners appear to have taken excellent care, and she looks to be in great shape. We are slowly working through fixing all the jiggly bits and other little odds and ends we find as we learn all the systems and bobs and buttons.
We plan to take her for a drive at least once a month to keep her limber, and will start some small trips in the Spring. At the end of Summer 2024, we have a double-cross-country journey planned. Hopefully (fingers crossed and knock on all the wood you can find) we won't encounter any major problems anytime soon.
I made my first post in the General Maintenance and Repair section, re: Leveling Jacks Dashboard Light. Hoping to get some thoughts and advice on that for the time being.
Thank you!