Dometic 310 toilet install 2017 Minnie Winnie 31K
Well after fighting with my Thetford, I opt'ed to replace it with the Dometic 310. My 31K has a permanent small box covering plumbing built up just behind the toilet, so I was not sure if it was going to fit. I had a hard time finding the exact measurement I needed, so with Amazon's return policy, i figured just get it in hand and see for myself.
Well the toilet fits just fine, but the water inlet is about 4" lower than the Thetford and nearly butts up against the cover box so there would be no way to get the water line on. Well, a little investigation and I determined I could cut a 4" square right where the water inlet is and re-route the water-line without even having to make any modifications to the line. I carefully cut the square using my cordless mutli-tool making sure I didn't push through and cut anything important. Once the hole was cut, I pushed the water line through the hole in the top and pulled it out the new hole, and boom hooked right up. I hooked the water line up first then mounted the toilet.
The Dometic 310 with the ceramic bowl is definitely nicer than the plastic Thetford Aqua Magic Residence it replaced. I leaned towards the Dometic 310 based on reviews. I'm in California and weirdly I couldn't get the Thetford ceramic toilet from amazon anyway. They wouldn't ship to me. Oh well.
I hope this helps anyone looking to change out their Thetford, but concerned it won't fit in the 31K.