Originally Posted by Ret.LEO
Class C shopping and thinking a Winn. Minnie Winnie will be the winner.
Thinking of a Kia Soul, man. trans, front wheel drive only. They weigh right in at 3,000 lbs. Thinking of a Blue Ox base plate and tow bars.
Does anyone have this set-up with a Soul and how do you like it?
Very close to your intended setup: '16 Kia Soul w/6spd manual, BluOx baseplate (self installed) but one difference: I use a very old, monster (8000 lb) Demco towbar that the PO included with the WBGO Outlook 31C (with adapters to mate up with the BluOx on the Kia.) Towed 18,000 miles so far ......... never a whimper from the WBGO or the toad.
BTW- As with most 30+ ft Class C's, I run pretty close to the GVWR but (with the Kia Soul) LOTS of add'l capability re the GCWR ..... so I travel with tool boxes, and other dense/ heavy items in the toad (like many others do.)
BTW-2 The receiver hitch on the WBGO is 1" too high to be within the Demco spec but I chose not to install a drop fixture to lower the receiver for fear of dragging the hitch at some filling station entrances.
The combination works well for me. The Demco has seen a lot of use in the past from two owners and has kinda "done its due"; I will probably replace it with a BluOx or other lighter-weight tow bar soon.
Good times, and safe travels..... ed s