Originally Posted by Morich
My wife and I have been off and on RV for a long time and we never get too far on packing until we see what and where we are going as so much depends on weather and activity levels. We have gotten far more adaptable at just doing with what we did get packed and waiting until we can pick up things on the fly. Most of the stuff we take is not really that critical and we've found it far less stress to just wing it if we miss something.
I've found it's not really REQUIRED for me to be clean shaven and look like I'm camping! Matching skirt and blouse are not required, either.
Interesting. I told my wife, that I’d like everything already to go at a moment’s notice. She agreed.
So she’s outfitted it like a second home, though it’s not.
In other words, my plan is to be able to head out at anytime, at a moment’s notice (due to our business), and just need to grab stuff from the refrigerator and freezer and I’m out of Dodge.
We’ve essentially replicated everything we need, and leave it stored on board.
Don’t confuse your needs with your wants, would be my advice...