Not sure if this is what you are talking about....
But I used this video to help me change the slide glides out on an 04 Winnebago Vectra. His video was pretty much spot-on as far as how the repair went for me.
Not sure if this helps, but it may give you a start.
Could you post a picture? I have just replaced one on my rear slide out (02 Winn Journey DL). I used a 4x4 and horizontal 2x4 with a standard floor jack to get the necessary room to pull out the broken pieces and put the new one in. HWH sent a pack with many different stiles and I pick the one I needed. I may have the one for yours in the box. Also HWH is a great resource in case you've not called them. You can also give me a call or email directly if you'd prefer. Let me know if you'd like personal info. Thx...scott.
I replaced the lower bushings on 2007 journey on the left side. Had to remove the the upper shims and then jacked up on the outer arms to get enough room to remove the old and install the new then reinstalled the upper shims.
I replaced the lower bushings on 2007 journey on the left side. Had to remove the the upper shims and then jacked up on the outer arms to get enough room to remove the old and install the new then reinstalled the upper shims.
Did you place the jack at the out side of the ram? Was the slide extended? Was the jack placed near the shim with the slide clear out?