Hello from York, PA! 2019 Outlook 31N
My wife and I camp with our three beagles: Bailey, Candy and Shiloh. You'll know we are in the campground if they see a squirrel! We just upgraded from a Keystone TT to a new-to-us 2019 Outlook 31N. We are looking forward to traveling in a class C! We take delivery in 10 days.
When I was a kid, we drove from home in California to relatives in Iowa almost every summer. My mother had an Uncle John who worked for Winnebago in Forest City, Iowa. We grew up calling those big motorhomes with the "W" Uncle Johns. I remember asking my mother why the put a "W" on it when it is called an Uncle John. I don't recall her answer but we do look forward to traveling in our own Uncle John!