It looks nice and clean. Your number one priority is to make sure you're well protected from leaks, including your windshield, which can be problematical. Your best bet in terms of searching is to use the Google search box near the top of the page. It works much better than the forum search button.
As to the windshield, many of us have been successful with a strip of Eternabond tape across the top. Here's a thread on this issue:
If there are any signs of drips inside your windshield tend to this immediately. If it proceeds to the point the frame rusts out, you're in for thousands of dollars in repairs.
Here's another link regarding the use of Eternabond tape to seal your roof fixtures:
Roof Issues… | Chaos Leaves Town
Also, if you have HWH slides and jacks, azpete, a winnieowners member, is your man. He works for HWH and has helped out many of us with HWH issues. He's very responsive to PMs (private messages).
And Tireman9 (Roger Marble), a retired tire engineer and Winnieowners member, is the best source for tire information. Here's a link to his blog:
RV Tire Safety