Welcome! Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
1. Go to the User CP (control panel) on the toolbar, complete your user profile and set up a "signature" with the year, model and length of your MH. That way you don't have to enter it each time you post.
2. Start reading the "Recent Discussions" daily, even if you haven't encountered the issue in question. You can skip the ones that clearly aren't applicable such as "where is the such and such on a 2019..." but don't be too discriminating. Subscribe to the ones that seem relevant so you not only get updates but can find them later via the User CP. In a month or so you'll be pretty well educated in what can go wrong and how to fix it. Also, check out Winnieowners' sister site IRV2.com. It has a wide audience and is a good source for non Winnie-specific info.
3. Check out the "stickies" here:
General Maintenance and Repair - Winnebago Owners Online Community
4. In searching Winnieowners and IRV2, use the Google search box near the top of the page. It's a better tool than "search this forum".
5. Familiarize yourself with the wealth of information available on your MH from Winnebago here:
(The sealant "callout sheets", service tips, wiring and plumbing diagrams are especially helpful)
6. Take care of any suspected leaks asap and, not to scare you, read up on the Winnebago leaky windshield issue. Hopefully you don't have it but, if you do, and leave it unattended, it can be catastrophic. Look for drips inside your windshield and on your dash after a rainstorm. My 2002 had the extensive repair performed by a prior owner but it still leaked. I fixed it in Dec 2017 with Eternabond tape and it's still good. Here's a pretty complete discussion on this issue along with potential fixes: