05-29-2006, 06:37 PM
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Over in the Workhorse forum I reported no difficulties (up to the time of the message) with the coach/chassis while on an extended trip to the northwest.
Well, I spoke too soon! My engine cover (what one would call a hood on a car or truck) fell off in Pagosa Springs! The brackets - as I found out - are glued to the fiberglass on the inside of the front cap. The bracket on the right side (when facing the coach) became detached.
Neither Epoxy (the kind you mix), nor Gorilla glue will hold the bracket in place.
Winnebago says they "might" consider a "good will" repair after the dealer looks at it, and takes/submits photos to them for consideration!
I wonder if Winnebago Industries has ever heard of "small claims court?"
05-29-2006, 06:37 PM
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Posts: 107
Over in the Workhorse forum I reported no difficulties (up to the time of the message) with the coach/chassis while on an extended trip to the northwest.
Well, I spoke too soon! My engine cover (what one would call a hood on a car or truck) fell off in Pagosa Springs! The brackets - as I found out - are glued to the fiberglass on the inside of the front cap. The bracket on the right side (when facing the coach) became detached.
Neither Epoxy (the kind you mix), nor Gorilla glue will hold the bracket in place.
Winnebago says they "might" consider a "good will" repair after the dealer looks at it, and takes/submits photos to them for consideration!
I wonder if Winnebago Industries has ever heard of "small claims court?"
05-29-2006, 06:49 PM
Winnebago Master
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 629
Newmar has two hinges on my hood opening, screwed into both hood and fiber-glass body of hood opening. I have the weather strip in between the top of opening where hinges are and the screws are just as tight as when new.
05-30-2006, 03:07 AM
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Freddy, I can assure you, as the former owner of a 2004 Journey and the current owner of a 2006 Vectra, that the "normal" practice and procedure for warranty repairs to be approved by most manufacturers,EVEN Winnebago is to have the dealer take pictures and submit them for consult.
No need for small claims court, it's the way things are....
I also think if you'll search these forums you'll most certainy find other instances of doors coming off from glue failures,so they're not picking on just you either....
I've had pictures taken of my 2006 Vectra and sent to Forest City on several issues.
Hang in there!!
05-30-2006, 03:09 AM
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by "007":
Newmar has two hinges on my hood opening, screwed into both hood and fiber-glass body of hood opening. I have the weather strip in between the top of opening where hinges are and the screws are just as tight as when new.  </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
And that has what to do with fixing his problem?
05-30-2006, 03:21 AM
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">the "normal" practice and procedure for warranty repairs to be approved by most manufacturers,EVEN Winnebago is to have the dealer take pictures and submit them for consult.
That means a trip to the dealer, a trip back home while they "consult", a trip back to have it repaired, a trip back to pick it up, and a trip back home.
Each trip is 165 miles!
I can get it fixed on one trip then small claim the cost.
05-30-2006, 04:01 AM
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Actually Freddy,if you'd take your "suit" off for a minute,if traveling to the dealer is an issue,why not simply submit the repair receipt to Winnebago Owner Relations for reimbursement?
Warranty repairs are usually performed by Winnebago authorized dealers,I'm not sure why you're persisting to use the fact that you live so far from a dealer as a problem Winnebago caused.
I'm fortunate that my dealer is in my home town,yet my best buddy recently bought a coach from a dealer some five hours away.
Is he to "sue Newmar" every time something goes wrong since his dealer is so far away?
I think not...
Think about this as well....when you sue Winnebago and the judge asks what remedies they tried that didn't work,your "defense" will be the dealer was too far away and you didn't want to travel there to let them take pictures to ascertain and then fix the problem.......can you say judgement for the defendant fast enough?
I'm trying to play devil's advocate here as I think you're not giving Winnebago their fair shake...
05-30-2006, 07:01 AM
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Freddy, Why not take the pictures yourself and forward them to Winnebago to get a head start on the process. If you have a camera that takes digital pictures it is that much easier to send them in email. Also, a call to Winnebago might reveal a service center closer to home that they would approve for the repair. I know that on occasion they have authorized independant shops to perform warranty work.
Tom and Barb
'07 Winnebago Voyage 35L
Workhorse W22 chassis FMCA 219315
05-30-2006, 09:49 AM
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">
Warranty repairs are usually performed by Winnebago authorized dealers,I'm not sure why you're persisting to use the fact that you live so far from a dealer as a problem Winnebago caused.
I've NEVER claimed that Winnebago is at fault for me living so far from my dealer/repair facility. What an absurd comment!
I'm not sure why you're an apologist for Winnebago.
My experience with Winnebago techs is that they are typically arrogant, and unaware of the inconvenience caused to the OWNERS of Winnebago products by their sloppy quality control.
When I (or anyone, I suspect) calls them with a complaint about a failure that is clearly a defect in workmanship, the very first words out of the tech's mouth is "you do know you're out of warranty?!" That is generally said with a sort of joyful glee in their voice!
I spent nearly 30 years in quality control, using various national codes (and national certification in nearly any craft you can name) to assure quality in everything from painting to welding. I think I know something about poor vs good quality workmanship!
Can you tell that I'm PO'd!?
05-30-2006, 09:52 AM
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Kazoo Tom:
Freddy, Why not take the pictures yourself and forward them to Winnebago to get a head start on the process. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
I have extremely good close-up photos of a paint defect on my coach. The tech with whom I spoke did not want those photos. He told me to take it to the dealer for photos.
05-30-2006, 10:00 AM
Winnebago Owner
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As much as I love my Winnebago, Freddie has a valid point. If one cares to look back, this problem is not unique nor the first time it has happened. I keep checking my access door for looseness. If I remember correctly the fix is to bolt right on thru the fiberglass with SS bolts. Why does Winnebago need photos of a known problem. What are they looking for? Verify if the owner is telling the truth. I think they should respond with bring it right in and we'll fix it for you.
05-30-2006, 10:16 AM
Winnebago Master
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It's only prudent for Winnebago to ask for some type of verification as to what happened. For all they know you ran into a tree or someone else for that matter.
I doubt seriously that any insurance company would reimburse you for any claimed damage without asking for some type of proof that it did actually happen, and that it wasn't a result of neglect or abuse.
I've had more than 1 thing go wrong after the coach was out of warranty. In each case I approached Winnebago with a request for assistance rather than a demand. In all cases I was treated fairly. If you give them a chance they'll be more than happy to work with you.
2013 Adventurer 32H
05-30-2006, 10:40 AM
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If I brought my coach to the dealer with the hatch door off, wouldn't that be verification enough that the adhesive failed and the dealers inspection should ascertain the validity of the claim. C'mon guys this is a 1 hour fix, as I said I am a diehard fan of Winnebago, but this is really a no-brainer that the Corp. should step up...
05-30-2006, 10:56 AM
Winnebago Master
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captain Bud: I think this is the key to the whole problem:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">If I brought my coach to the dealer with the hatch door off, wouldn't that be verification enough that the adhesive failed and the dealers inspection should ascertain the validity of the claim. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Unless I misread something that hasn't happened yet. I'll bet once the dealer sees what happened the company will make good on it.
2013 Adventurer 32H
05-30-2006, 11:05 AM
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I am not an "apologist" for Winnebago,they can take up for themselves.....What I AM an apologist for,is the way Winnebago does business....I myself received an email from Winnebago Owner Relations this morning,AS WELL AS a phone call from my local dealer in regard to an issue I am having with my turn signal cameras....I know the system works, IF you work within the system.
When my slidetopper awning was sagging and wrinkling up when going in and out,I took the coach to the dealer,they took pictures and then it was determined the slide room was going in crooked...
While I understand Bud's point, I still understand the need for Winnebago to want to see pictures and evaluate each problem on it's own merit...
As others have said,you are certainly welcome to have the work done elsewhere and then seek reimbursement...
05-30-2006, 11:07 AM
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">
Unless I misread something that hasn't happened yet. I'll bet once the dealer sees what happened the company will make good on it. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Now there's a thought Hikerdogs....
05-30-2006, 11:32 AM
Winnebago Camper
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I had the same problem on the engine cover on my Sightseer. Seems I found the problem when the cover was coming loose on one side. I used 2 part epoxy and some Gorilla glue then clamped the frame and fiberglass seems to be holding fine. Numerous people are reporting the exact problems with Winnie panels coming loose.
Me thinks the problem is one or more of the following.
Too little cement. Surfaces not cleaned/prepped properly.
Wrong formula glue for aluminum bonded to fiberglass.
Lack of screws/bolts holding the two pieces together.
Flash G
Monaco Knight 38PST
05-30-2006, 11:57 AM
Winnebago Watcher
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Posts: 1
 This whole thread is rediculous. First Winnebago should NEVER attached an engine cover with just glue. There is no glue on the planet that will hold that weight and stress for many years. Winnebago needs to hire some engineers that actually graduated with a degree. And Freddy is silly to say he will sue in small claims court. As an attorney I can tell him the judge will put the claim diposition on hold until Winnebago has a reasonable time to ascertain the problem, what caused it and how to fix it. For all they know Freddy hit a cow on his trip and broke the hood!
05-30-2006, 11:58 AM
Winnebago Owner
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The way I understand the problem is this, Freddy has to bring the MH to the dealer to have pics taken, then the pics are forwarded to Winnebago for evaluation, If it is determned that Winnebago will cover the work then Freddy has to come back to the dealer, to have the work accomplished. Do I understand you all to say that this is service??? Shouldn't it happen that Freddy goes to the dealer with an appointment, the dealer looks at the situation and determines that it is Winnebago's fault and the problem is resolved. Now Freddy must understand that if it is determined that he hit a tree, as one poster stated he is SOL. Now if Winnebago doesn't trust the dealer, that is a whole other ball game, then maybe they shouldn't be a Winnebago dealer. To me that is service, one visit, fix or not...IMHO
05-30-2006, 12:57 PM
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Captain Bud:
The way I understand the problem is this, Freddy has to bring the MH to the dealer to have pics taken, then the pics are forwarded to Winnebago for evaluation, If it is determned that Winnebago will cover the work then Freddy has to come back to the dealer, to have the work accomplished. Do I understand you all to say that this is service??? Shouldn't it happen that Freddy goes to the dealer with an appointment, the dealer looks at the situation and determines that it is Winnebago's fault and the problem is resolved. Now Freddy must understand that if it is determined that he hit a tree, as one poster stated he is SOL. Now if Winnebago doesn't trust the dealer, that is a whole other ball game, then maybe they shouldn't be a Winnebago dealer. To me that is service, one visit, fix or not...IMHO </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Bud....in the case of my sagging and wrinkling slide topper awning,I took the coach to my dealer,where they documented the issue,then sent the pictures to Winnebago Service in Forest City. Once Winnebago figured out what was wrong and what they wanted to do to try and fix it,I took the coach back and it was fixed.
You say that Freddy goes to the dealer and THEY,meaning the dealer,determines Winnebago was at fault...I know you realize that "some" decisions on fault are made in Forest City,thus the need for the pictures...right?
Now it seems you're bringing the "distance from the dealer" into play again....Freddy didn't want to do that I thought....
It's not about "trusting" the dealer or not,it's about the "procedure" for approving warranty claims....
I know firsthand that Newmar does this the very same way,as my best friend just took delivery of a Mountain Aire DP and is waiting for word from Napanee on an issue....He bought his coach 5 hours away from here and understands he'll have to go there to get it fixed....It was his decision,and Fred's to make the drive.
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