Yes, it does often take some back and forth questions to get down to the real answers!
I like to drill down to what is real on the specific RV as there are so many and even in the same year there are changes made.
So a point to ask about before searching out the drawings, involves the serial number of your RV. Winnebago uses the 7th digit of the serial number (not VIN!) to tell us which build we have. A 1 in that 7th place is an early year or 2 is a later build of the same year.
The problem is often that those changes are in the electrical items as that field is changing so fast! If you can check a label at the driver's side or near there, it should have the serial number or you may have it on paperwork?
With that info we can go to drawings and be more sure we are looking at the correct info!
Click this snip for best view!
Why no RV year, make and floorplan on MY signature as we suggest for others?
I currently DO NOT have one!