My wife and I bought our first motor home last Saturday. She's a 94 Winnebago Vectra 34 foot and seems to be in excellent condition. We got her from an older couple who have developed some health problems. We have started trying to absorb the owners manuals, but questions keep coming up. On the roof are 2 power vents, the one in the lounge has a knob to open and close it, the one in the bath is supposed to be electric, what keeps the rain and snow out? If i am going down the road with the front air conditioner on and want to turn on the rear (main) on, do I need to start the generator? What keeps power to the refrigerator? Is it the power from the 454 engine or should the generator be on? I am going to have the electric co. drop power so that I can plug in, do I need 50 amps or 30amps and why. Like I said i am really ignorant so help will be appreciated.
Ron and Glenda
Mountain Home,AR
My wife and I bought our first motor home last Saturday. She's a 94 Winnebago Vectra 34 foot and seems to be in excellent condition. We got her from an older couple who have developed some health problems. We have started trying to absorb the owners manuals, but questions keep coming up. On the roof are 2 power vents, the one in the lounge has a knob to open and close it, the one in the bath is supposed to be electric, what keeps the rain and snow out? If i am going down the road with the front air conditioner on and want to turn on the rear (main) on, do I need to start the generator? What keeps power to the refrigerator? Is it the power from the 454 engine or should the generator be on? I am going to have the electric co. drop power so that I can plug in, do I need 50 amps or 30amps and why. Like I said i am really ignorant so help will be appreciated. Thanks, Ron and Glenda Mountain Home,AR
In answer to some of the above:
-the generator is required to use high draw 110vac items like the house AC, microwave while driving.
-usually, RV fridge's run on LP or 110v AC (generator) underway. Worth testing both modes.
- If your electrical panel has the capacity, I'd put in a 50A RV outlet. Can always use an adaptor down to 30A if your rig is 30A. Who knows, you might upgrade later to a newer rig with 50A requirement?
-Check your tires for their age...have they been replaced recently?
safe travels
2007 Adventurer 38T w/
sway & trac bars, Koni FSDs and SafeT+
2006 Jeep Liberty toad
Welcome Flyflicker to irv2.
Congrats on your new first coach looks in good shape, many happy and safe miles ahead. Here is a link for you that will cover many items in your coach. May not be for your coach but same stuff applies.
You can refer to it as you grow accustom to your coach.
Enjoy the forums and do some camping at home in driveway to get familiar with your new toy.
Oh yes don't be a shame of being old like I and after you read all subject at hand you can take my job.
I see you've already got some answers to a few of your questions, if you take some time and read some topics you'll end up finding answers to question you did not even think of.
There's a world of experience to be shared here at iRV2.
__________________ John & Cathy R.
06 Pace Arrow 38L W24
08 Lincoln MKX AWD See My RV Upgrades
Ron, Welcome to the forum. Your fridge will work on the 110v power when plugged in and will switch over to propane when power isn't available. I put in a 20amp breaker to plug mine in. It will run most everything while parked at home. It depends on how much you will want to run on yours, but if you want to go with 30amp, I think that's plenty. Looks like you only have the one roof air conditioner. Like John said, if you stick around here you'll find a wealth of info.
Looks like no one has yet responded to your question on the roof vents.
Sounds like you have two? One that opens and closes electrically and one that opens and closes manually? Not sure if you have something like a 'Fantastic' vent, with a large fan in it, or just an 'opening'. Most have a vent in the bathroom with a small, and very noisey, 12 volt fan in it (if so, you may want to consider replacing it with something like the Fantastic). If you have one that opens electrically, it probably has a 'rain sensor', that is supposed to automatically close it if it starts to rain.
All fan functions are 12v, no gen set needed for those. While you can leave the vents open a bit, while travelling, you'll not want to have them full open when going down the road, the wind loads will stress them, possibly to the point of failure.
I'd suggest you invest in a couple of these, to cover both vents. Standard Maxxair | Latest That way you can leave them open, even when away from camp, and not have to worry if it starts to rain. You can even leave them fully open when going down the freeway without concern.
__________________ Jay & Peggy Monroe with Dolly Can't take it with you - don't plan on leaving any behind
2016 Newmar London Aire 4553, Spartan chassis
2017 GMC Acadia toad
Ron, Jay is correct. Actually one of the first things I have done when getting a different MH is install the Maxair vents. Can open or close your vents anytime worry free. I had one of the Fantastic vents in my last MH and it was convenient, but didn't feel the need to install one this time.
Welcome to the world of RVing some of the friendliest and helpful people you will ever find. Just don't overload yourself in the beginning as all of us learn something new every day. Nuf Sed.
Tires that are 6-7 years old especially if they have low mileage are sbject to blow outs please have them checked out. Look into a tow service.
For many years I have belonged to the Winnebago Itasca Travelers (WIT) a travel club sponsored by Winnebago Industries with several perks for members such as 10% discount on parts etc from some dealers, caravans to neat places, State Clubs, Local Chapters who usually have monthly campouts where you meet and hang out with other Winnebago owners. Membership is $35.00 to join and $30.00 a year dues. If interested call Ruth at 800-643-4892 (1).
My wife and I bought our first motor home last Saturday. She's a 94 Winnebago Vectra 34 foot and seems to be in excellent condition. We got her from an older couple who have developed some health problems. We have started trying to absorb the owners manuals, but questions keep coming up. On the roof are 2 power vents, the one in the lounge has a knob to open and close it, the one in the bath is supposed to be electric, what keeps the rain and snow out? If i am going down the road with the front air conditioner on and want to turn on the rear (main) on, do I need to start the generator? What keeps power to the refrigerator? Is it the power from the 454 engine or should the generator be on? I am going to have the electric co. drop power so that I can plug in, do I need 50 amps or 30amps and why. Like I said i am really ignorant so help will be appreciated. Thanks, Ron and Glenda
Mountain Home,AR
Our coach is like yours. We have the same model Winnebago Vectra and year 1994 if your is 34RA Right down to the color.
But We have awnings on all our windows. We still have the zip dee awnings. Ours are canvas and look like new.
As for the roof vents. Both the manual and the electric run on 12V power. the manual one has a knob that turns it open.And another that will regulate the speed. Unless you have a vent hood (like a maxi vent hood cover) installed I would not keep it open all the time. If you are not there.With the maxi hood the rain can not get in. you can even keep it open while traveling with no worry about lossing the fans cover.
In Our Vectra the fan in the bath is an electric fantasic fan with rain sensor. As for the electric once switch is turn on it will open and close the cover or rather should with the rain sensor. Check it out to make sure that is in working order. If it is you will NOT need a vent hood. As it will open and close by itself. Only thing to worry about is if your batteries are very low. /the fans don't take much power.
As for a 30amp or 50 amp. Go with the 50 amp if you can. Much better for your coach as you should have a basement air in your coach and they run on 50amp. don't worry if you read what is said obout basement air with heat pump. Our year oof coach doesn't have a heat pump. but our air still runs on 50amp.
You can run the generator will traveling and then run the basement air. Will really cool down the coach.
Your refrig show switch to gas while traveling. some of the older refrigs also have 12V. besides the 110v.
happy camping. Need more info on you coach. private email me. here is a few pictures of our coach. sniggles
Nice coach. One of my good friends has the exact same coach. It's a gem. We just intalled a new headliner (Winnebago fuzzy carpet OEM) for them, as the old one was drooping big time. What a job!
'07 Winnebago Journey 34H - CAT C7, Koni's, MCU's, SS Bell Crank, Safe-T-Plus
'07 HHR Toad, SMI AFO, Blue OX
My favorite Swedish Proverb: We grow too soon old, and too late smart.
There is a lot of info. to absorb. Other folks at campgrounds and rallies can be quite helpful, but just like the internet poor info. is somewhat common.
One thing about a large MH - It will keep your brain from going stale. Have fun.
2008 Itasca Meridian 37H & 2015 Flagstaff T12RBST
2011 & 2012 Len & Pat's "One lap of America"
27K miles & 41 states in 13 months - Woo Woo
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Yellowstone Lake 6-1-2012