2022 Micro Minnie FLX 2306BHS Battery
I have a question about the battery on the unit. I just bought this unit 2 months ago and have not really used it. I have a small space heater below where the batter is to keep it warm. I have had the unit plugged in to a 20 amp outlet and unplugged it a couple nights ago to see how long it would take for the battery to go down. Even though it was sunny during the day, apparently the battery was dead this morning. I plugged the unit back in and the battery showed full charge in just a few minutes. I have downloaded the lithionics battery app but it would not pair with the battery this morning. Seems the battery should have lasted longer ? Also when it has been unplugged, after you plug it back in the round blue battery switch below beeps and sounds like a fan running ? I bought a 1500 watt battery to plug the RV into when we are off roading and two solar panels to charge that. One is 200 watts and one is 100 watts. this FLX unit has 2 200 watt panels on the roof and any ideas on what I might expect off grid ? When I call Winnebago on this they don't seem to know anything on this and they have me call Lithionics but they never call back.