03-22-2011, 10:56 PM
Winnebago Camper
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 8
New Vista, Lifter noise on delivery date and major rust
I am new to IRV2 and hope that I can add some value in the future.
My wife and 2 kids are traveling thru Texas and decided to upgrade our Daybreak to a Winnebago Vista. After the coach finally arrived at the dealer, we looked over it in the detail bay and it appeared fine.
We came back the next day for delivery and this is the first time i heard it run. I immediately heard lifter noise and mentioned to the dealer. They are very attentive etc and apparently the engine has to go to Ford now for the lifter noise. It is half loaded with all of our belongings from us halfway migrating into it when I heard the engine start up.
Upon my listening to the engine closer I was appalled at all the rust all over the electrical wires (starter wire or something large) and a large amount of rust on several other chassis bolts.
This is a 2010 Vista I am buying new in March 2011.
I absolutely love the inside of the coach and all the features etc but I am expecting a brand new penny and this rust looks so bad that the bolts would surely just break if you tried to remove the nuts from them.
I am expecting to keep this for many years and my 3 year old Daybreak doesn't have an inkling of rust on the under carriage in comparison.
Are these things prone to rust? Should I be worried? Am I crazy to think they should just send me a different one that looks new instead of an undercarriage that looks 10 years old?
I am rather frustrated and not sure if I even have options other than just accepting that I own that coach now and they are being nice letting me use my old one while it's being worked on and our spring break is basically just been waiting around on this new coach.
I am feeling rather foolish for not starting the motor when walking thru it the first day and not crawling under it. The entire thing is so shiny and new looking it is appalling how old looking this thing looks underneath it. I really like it except for the crazy loud lifter and this rust.
I have still yet to drive it and feeling more and more like I just want one that looks new on the bottom too. Any insight is appreciated in advance. I will post a pic from my phone tomorrow, I left it in the coach with about half our belongings trying to rush it to ford this afternoon.
03-22-2011, 11:11 PM
Winnebago Owner
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 152
First, since this is your 1st post, let me say :welcome:. We're glad you're here.
IMO, I'd be VERY worried & trying to see if there's a way to back out of this deal. The amount of rust you are describing is not normal for that age of coach. What's the history on this "new" 2010? Has it been in a flood? That might even explain the lifter noise, since sludge or other matter getting in there from water penetration could be causing the noise.
Lori - 
FMCA #F419886 | RV/MH Hall of Fame Lifetime Member
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03-22-2011, 11:16 PM
Winnebago Camper
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Monroe, Ga USA
Posts: 28
" I have still yet to drive it "
 ......Surely your not bound by a contract @ this point and have not even driven it, sounds like someone is trying to rush you into something that your having second thoughts about. At this point I would require a different deal including another coach, JMHO, good luck.
David G.
USAF 1959-1963/ JFK Innaguration parade 1961,
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03-22-2011, 11:24 PM
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I would definitely try to get any and all records of this coach to see if it was one of the flooded ones. Get the VIN and and call your insurance agent and see if it was totaled out..
And, next time, drive the thing before you buy
03-22-2011, 11:45 PM
Winnebago Camper
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 8
Thanks for the replies.
I was lazy and impatient. We have been wanting to swap the daybreak out for months and it just seemed right looking at one just like it but without bunks. Bunk beds have become a staple in our rv trips which we sneak out on often all during the year with the kids. It was supposed to be there early Monday and we are driving on our way late Monday night. I don't think I will ever need to relearn this lesson.
03-23-2011, 01:27 AM
Winnebago Camper
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 8
The only history of it I know is that it is brand new. I guess I will be trying to get our stuff out of it tomorrow and tell them I am refusing delivery as I have not put it in drive yet. We really like it and me refusing it over some rust we will never see is hard for the wife and kids to hear. I also smelled a rather nasty mildew smell in the front of the coach and all this with the flooding mention above really makes me wonder if it has been flooded.
I can't imagine them calling my looking at it but not driving it as enough for it to be fully accepted. ugh
03-23-2011, 01:44 AM
Winnebago Owner
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 141
The odometer mileage on a new coach should only be between the dealer and Forest City,IA if more than that the dealer is scamming. Either it was in a flood as others pointed out or sat in Iowa blizzards. Walk, no run away.
Don, WIT 70041
03-23-2011, 08:06 AM
Winnebago Master
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Posts: 562
You might want to discuss the surface rust with your dealer and Winnebago to determine if your unit has abnormal rust before you panic. As a 2010, it has likely spent spent some time parked outdoors. I highly doubt the bolts are rusted to the extent you indicate. If you visit the Forest City, you will see a couple of hundred (or more) chassis ( Ford, Freightliner, Sprinter) parked outside awaiting production. The metal rails are not covered and are exposed to the elements. We have seen them being transported to the factory stacked one on top of the other - usuallly three - being pulled/towed on their rear axles. Obvoiusly, this alone could result in an opportunity for some rust as many of the chassis components are not painted. From my perspective, a little rust is really no cause for concern. I suspect if you check out other brands of new or other new Winnebago units, you will find the same thing. I think the "flood theory" being advanced by others is somewhat extreme unless the dealer is in a previously flooded area. In any event, you can rest assured that Winnebago is a reputable company and will stand behind your unit.
09 Journey 39Z
Southern Ontario
03-23-2011, 08:26 AM
Winnebago Camper
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 8
That is somewhat reassuring bobmac. I am just put off that it went thru the entire QA process from the dealer and Win and I was alarmed by the lifter noise the first second I heard it start. Then crawling under to hear better I see bolts rusted so much that I don't think the nut could be taken off of it. On positive wires bolted to the frame and several mounting bolts. I grew up banging on 18 wheelers and building racecars. A little surface rust wouldn't bother me at all.
I appreciate the feedback. Should I call Win before deciding if I will refuse delivery or not?
03-23-2011, 08:46 AM
Winnebago Camper
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: NE. Ohio USA
Posts: 20
Somethings up??? I just sold our 9 year old Toyota yesterday, and was surprised at how nice the under side of the car looked after 9 NE. Ohio winters...So why can't RV manufacturers deliver a rust-free product.
Back in 05' while I took delivery of our new 05' tt, I also noticed a lot of rust on the suspension parts / axles of the trailer. Called the factory shortly after taking delivery and was told the frames are stored in a field till needed. Some just get more weathered than others.....
Jim, Diane & Robert ~ NE. OH.
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03-23-2011, 08:56 AM
Winnebago Master
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I don't think you have to worry about it. I would like to see the pictures you took. Just itemize and document all that you are worried about and then call Winnebago customer relations and talk to them about it. I am on my third V10 6.8l Ford engine and they do seem to make a little noise that sound like lifters, but they have overhead cams.
2003 Winnebago Adventurer 38G F53/ V10 605 watts of Solar
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03-23-2011, 09:13 AM
Winnebago Camper
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Welcome to the forum. As you make your decision, consider this. Winnebago is a very good company and possibly they will be able to put all your concerns to rest. On the other hand, the "flood theory" may or may not be too extreme as you said. Not too long ago, there were some nasty floods in the south and I saw some flooded RV lots in some parts of my state, Tennessee. Arkansas is close by. Anyway, the flood thought is something to consider. Putting everything else aside, it's been my personal experience that what my "gut" tells me is the best advice that I can get.
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03-23-2011, 09:34 AM
Winnebago Master
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Something that has not been mentioned is the time of delivery of the coach from Winnebago to the dealer. If the coach was built and delivered during winter months, it may likely have been exposed to road salt from Forest City to its final destination. If the under carriage was not properly power washed upon arrival at the dealer, there will be rust. My 2002 Journey had rust on some suspension components, bolts, and on some of the metal under and around the storage compartments. I bought the coach used. I have spent many hours media blasting some of the metal and treating it with rust reformer.
Truth is, this is not the first time rust on a Winnebago coach has been reported. I like Winnebago and think they make a good coach for the money, but they seem to lack in the area of treating some of the metal on their coaches.
'07 Country Coach Allure 470 Siskiyou Summit #31578, Cummins ISL 425; 2014 Ford F150 toad; Air Force One Toad Brake.
Glen Allen, VA; Smith Mountain Lake, VA.
03-23-2011, 09:39 AM
Winnebago Camper
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 8
If this unit has had flood damage, by law the dealer would have to tell you. The title would also have to indicate this. Since you have not taken delivery, I would think that you could just walk away. By no means, take delivery if you are not happy. If you do take delivery, make sure everything is documented. This is a major investment, make the decision that is best for you!
Good Luck!
03-23-2011, 10:19 AM
Winnebago Camper
Join Date: Apr 2010
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Posts: 41
What year is the Chassis Vs the Coach?
I too had a lot of rust on my chassis and engine
The chassis is a 2008 and the coach is 2009
From what I can tell it looks like they left the chassis including the engine and transmission outside uncovered for the duration.
The corrosion will cause long term issues.
My Dash AC compressor died within 2 months (corrosion everywhere on the unit) after taking delivery then the alternator needed repairs shortly thereafter. I spent hours cleaning the engine hoping to inhibit additional issues. The started motor and fuel rail were covered in rust and long term corrosion not just road dirt but stuff that had been there for many months.
Be careful look closely at the major components
It might take a few years before the corrosion starts causing major issues after the warranty is over
Please do not toss your defective Converters / Inverters / etc. in the trash
03-23-2011, 12:33 PM
Winnebago Owner
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 152
The flood or water damage theory several of us have proposed may not be so "panicky". In post #6 you also stated
I also smelled a rather nasty mildew smell in the front of the coach
I doubt THAT smell would be just from the chassis sitting out in a storage yard waiting to be assembled into a coach. The smell needs to be accounted for. Any suspicions you have need to be put to rest, in writing, by the dealer & you need to feel secure in the purchase you are making. Any doubts, at all = walk away. There's always another one.
Lori - 
FMCA #F419886 | RV/MH Hall of Fame Lifetime Member
Virtual Grand Tour 45RL
03-23-2011, 12:44 PM
Winnebago Owner
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Posts: 228
I'm not being sarcastic, but that sounds like General Motors automobiles during the 70's, 80's and 90's.
You MUST find out where that RV has been all this time ! (May need attorney)
Good luck, Kerry
03-23-2011, 01:29 PM
Winnebago Camper
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Posts: 11
You did not say what part of Tx you were in. There has not been major flooding in the siuth since Ike. Dallas area had bad flooding during the winter. I have seen rust(some) on new, but not to the extreme you are saying. The smel could be the warning. Only moisture causes that. Are you allowed to say the dealer on here? Smell could be leak warning.
03-23-2011, 02:23 PM
Winnebago Watcher
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 4
My dad used to say "When in doubt, don't do it and 9 times out of ten you will be right"
Don't let your emotions overrule you!!!
03-23-2011, 11:47 PM
Winnebago Camper
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 8
 We were able to refuse delivery today since we had not drove it off the lot. The salesmen started in with comments like, that lifter noise must have just started when you got in it and "its common for these to have rust on the chassis that rust is normal". These comments immediately sent me into defensive mode and I just persisted that I am refusing to accept delivery of this coach.
I dont want to talk bad about the dealer on here, the store manager and business manager seemed very ethical and didn't try to push me like the salesmen, he was off tuesday and called me back shortly after me calling the salesmen and insisted that I forget all about that particular one since the knock and rust. He offered to replace with an Itasca that basically looked the same and have it delivered to my home saturday but we declined and just drove away. It was in the dallas/rockwall area as we were passing through. I have a 3 year old Damon Daybreak that is in way better shape as far as the engine and rust underneath but that vista is so much nicer inside the living quarters.
Here are a couple pictures of the rust. Thank you for the help, I was able to learn a lot of information over night that helped me make a much more informed decision and walk away despite me and the family really wanting it. I will personally drive and climb over and under the new Winnebago I want before purchasing it. I have looked at many and the Vista with bunks is what we want.
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