There is a long story with the Xite system.
I've have a 2017 Adventurer with the Xite system and have gone through the whole saga.
If you are having slow response it's likely that the previous owner never applied any updates to the system. Those were fixed with a software update about 4-years ago. In the past 6+ years Rand McNally the GPS system in the system went bankrupt, was bought and then sold again. Xite always packaged their updates in with RAND map updates.
The map updates were for "life." But when RAND went BK that was pretty much the end of the life so, free map updates only lasted until Oct 2022. I believe you can still download and apply updates up to that date. To do so required you to download a computer App (not phone/tablet) called Rand DOCK. Then you remove the SD card, which is in the Core Unit in an upper cabinet... likely above the Passenger's front seat. Put the card into a SD Card reader in that computer and then launch the DOCK app to have the system copy files to the SD card. If there are system updates they'd be uploaded then, along with map updates to 10/22.
Xite is still being installed in RVs and now they use a different Core unit and run NavNgo (NNG) GPS software. You can buy a brand new SD card with the NNG GPS for $250 from Riverpark. Riverpark is the company that sells the Xite system to RV Manufacturers. While Xite is the company that makes everything.
For Tech Support you go to Xite Support on the Xite Solutions, Inc website. To purchase anything you go to Riverpark's website.
There are dozens (hundreds) of posts on concerning the Xite system. Many other RVs have this system and many people have problems and hate the Rand McNally software. There are some threads on IRV2 about replacing the system. Many just use it for the XM Radio and phone bluetooth support but not the RAND GPS.
Personally, I always liked the Rand system and continued to use it until sometime last year. I bought the $250 NNG SD card and now I use that for my GPS. Xite Solutions Support sent me all of the firmware updates in an email and I just had to print them to the SD card. I'd say I could send you the update file but I was one of the first to do this and it caused a problem which took a long time to understand and repair. So, you should get your updates from Xite to avoid any issues.
The NNG GPS works well and while it's not as full featured as the RAND GPS system it works well and they do have new maps at least twice per year. They are not free - $79 per year. You get those from a NNG update site
See, I told you that was a bit of a story about this.
Here's the email for Xite Support: [email protected]
Here's the URL for Riverpark:
Here's the link for Naviextras:
Remember that's only after you buy the NNG SD card from Riverpark)
Your Xite system is an XSG3NA. you can find User manuals and the RAND DOCK on the Xite Support website:
Here's the User Manual PDF Link:
Here's the RAND SD Card 2022 Update Instructions for PC (There is a Mac version but it doesn't work with newer Macs):
Here's the RAND GPS Operating Manual: