Hi Michael, what kind of shop are you getting this price from? If it’s a typical RV Dealer or, worse yet a Camping World location that may be why the price is so high.
I know I’ve seen a few YouTube videos with folks doing major slide repairs. Have you searched there? You’ll not likely find DIYers doing this task on your exact model or year, unless you get super lucky. I think YouTuber “AZ EXPERT” and/or “RV with Tito” are the ones I’ve seen, though I could be remembering wrong.
With the Tour being a top of the line motorhome many owners might not be into major DIY repairs and more comfortable with having others do the difficult work.
If I lived near DFW, as you do, I’d take the coach to NIRVC in Lewisville for a consultation and pricing. Or better yet to the Winnebago factory Service Center in Forest City, IA. If it’s an HWH brand slide out, taking it to HWH’s factory in Moscow, IA would be appropriate, as well. Assuming that’s the type of slide involved you should at least contact HWH for advice. Also, there is a HWH employee that posts on
www.irv2.com and can be a big help. Look for posts from a username of AZPETE.