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Old 01-14-2025, 11:25 AM   #1
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Garmin Map Updates Still Available?

I have liked my Garmin but I now find problems getting any updates.
I have liked what I have and would prefer to continue with a known system but I now find the mapping is getting way behind.

Looking at switching to use Android auto as built into my car but would prefer to stay with a known item that has worked well for me in the past.

Any of you folks have news on what to expect on the lack of lifetime map updates for Garmin GPS?
I see they have moved away from selling many of their GPS line, so will map updates end?
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Old 01-14-2025, 01:54 PM   #2
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I still have 2 old garmin’s that I use, as they come in handy when there is no cell signal. I still get updates without a problem. Make sure you have updated the garmin express software on your PC. If you are not sure if it has been updated, delete the garmin express software completely from your PC. Reinstall the software, enter your log in information for each Garmin device you have and you should be good to go with the new map updates.
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Old 01-14-2025, 02:45 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Bzerull View Post
I still have 2 old garmin’s that I use, as they come in handy when there is no cell signal. I still get updates without a problem. Make sure you have updated the garmin express software on your PC. If you are not sure if it has been updated, delete the garmin express software completely from your PC. Reinstall the software, enter your log in information for each Garmin device you have and you should be good to go with the new map updates.
Do you have to have a subscription to get updates these days? I have an old on on my shelf I can repurpose if not.
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Old 01-14-2025, 04:30 PM   #4
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Odd timing I guess? I had checked as of last night and found no new updates but today there was one available. I now have id downloaded but it doesn't show the newer intersection I was interested in seeing how they worked it. A bit of a weird thing that has many of the local folks confused as the two left turn lanes are placed fully left at the intersection with the opposing traffic flow placed in between the left turns and through or right turn lanes!
Feels a bit weird to be going West and find Eastbound traffic on each side of you! It has been there for quite a long time and both Google and Garmin had not quite figured how to place you into the correct lanes!
It has not been uncommon to meet opposing traffic in the wrong lanes and there are barriers on each side. It has not been overall hazardous, due to the low speeds but it does cause a fair amount of panic for the folks who have turned into the wrong lanes and they suddenly are facing two solid lanes of traffic coming headon!
Interesting to watch the faces as they finally find they will have to back out of the intersection to get into the right lane!

On the updates for older? I have never dealt with it without buying the lifetime maps, but would assume they would be available on a one time purchase. But that is pure guess without backing of experience!
My first thought might go with the older having such slow processor speed that the time to update would be excessive. With a fairly fast connection, I normally get it done in a bit under three hours on the newer Garmin. I would assume the amount of map data would also be involved with the time needed for updates?

Not something I have worried as I am normally on a different connection and not really concerned with the time.
Why no RV year, make and floorplan on MY signature as we suggest for others?
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Old 01-19-2025, 10:13 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Morich View Post
~snip~ A bit of a weird thing that has many of the local folks confused as the two left turn lanes are placed fully left at the intersection with the opposing traffic flow placed in between the left turns and through or right turn lanes! ~snip~
That is known as a Diverging Diamond

We have several interchanges like that in the Charlotte, NC area. Supposedly they cut down on the number of T-bone collisions caused by left-turning vehicles.

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Old 01-19-2025, 10:35 AM   #6
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I have two Garmin Nuvi 1450s, and Garmin Express tells me I do have software updates ready for them.
My last Map Update was a few months ago. Typically, those are updated about twice a year.
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Old 01-19-2025, 11:28 AM   #7
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The diverging diamond is familiar and we use them when crossing the interstates. But the idea is totally different for an intersection on local surface streets.

But the naming of intersections is not the real purpose of my post.
My first question has been solved as I was wondering if Garmin had stopped doing the map updates.
If that stopped, the value of my Garmin would become so much less that I was looking at other options like setting up my android auto. It is a built in function on my car but I have never found it worth figuring how to connect as I am far more used to using Garmin. I like the Garmin coming from satellites as it works in places without cell service!
But if they had stopped updates, I was going to have to go with what got the new info as needed.
But that has been answered now! After checking frequently and not seeing new, I posted this question and suddenly the next day, checking found new updates!

This is a drawing I found online but it is somewhat less complex to figure as there is only one high traffic route instead of using displaced left turns on both East-West and North-South traffic.
The main different when all directions pass through at street level, there are lots more signal lights to follow! When crossing an interstate, most through traffic just blows through without much slowdown.
Click image for larger version

Name:	displaced.jpg
Views:	16
Size:	143.4 KB
ID:	190726

As a side note, we find the mapping has changed but not reached the level of mapping the full layout of lanes. Sorting which lane to get into takes more attention and that is where GPS could be very helpful to point out which lane to get into!

When in an RV and towing a car, I REALLY like knowing in advance which lane is correct!
Traffic has a way of sorting out who should not be on the road!

We are currently not set up well for owning so we are doing more rentals for RV and that has both good and bad points.
One nice thing is that it forces us to trim down on the "maybe we need this" stuff. We travel lighter and with less headaches of that sort.
But the downside is that we are not as familiar with where to push which switch while driving!
Why no RV year, make and floorplan on MY signature as we suggest for others?
I currently DO NOT have one!
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Old 01-20-2025, 06:37 AM   #8
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Garmin has been selling their GPS’s for quite a few years with free lifelong updates. For the real old ones (not sure when the free updates began). Probably not. I would just try updating your gps and see what happens.
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Old 01-20-2025, 08:16 AM   #9
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For the first few Garmin I bought, there were options on the ma updates. One could get the Garmin cheaper without the updates or pay a bit extra for "lifetime" updates.
But that is where things can get iffy as some business define "lifetime" differently than you and I might!
Do they define lifetime as for as long as we live or as long as the Garmin lives or some theoretical number of months/years that they figure the unit should be supported?
One of the problems with the older units is the limited memory they have and the current maps are way more data than they used to be. Part of that extra data is the info which is now included that was not on the older units.
Earlier units were more restricted just like the first PC. Not each have far more features and the older are not going to have enough memory to fit.
Something like trying to add Windows 11 to a windows 8 PC?
Why no RV year, make and floorplan on MY signature as we suggest for others?
I currently DO NOT have one!
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Old 01-20-2025, 09:01 AM   #10
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Just install the “Garmin Express” app to your pc. This app will provide updates for any garmin device you have. Besides my road maps, I also use it to update my golf gps. If you have a PC, updates are quite simple.
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Old 01-20-2025, 10:25 AM   #11
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Yes, the updates are easy enough to do! The issue was that there WERE no updates for such a long time and we have several newer intersections types that have been in use for some time now. I was concerned about the lack of updates, but when posting the question, I found new updates the next day.

That made my post a non-issue! But the updates which were issued are not correct for the current road layouts! Totally different issues and not one that would seem to be an issue for the forum to solve!

That makes my post totally dead, but things live on forever once in the internet world!
IF there were something I wanted to ask about it would be more a question for Garmin or Google as neither have yet solved some issues of getting you into the correct lanes at this intersection!

No biggie as we are now used to it after a year or so of use but when I want to send detailed driving info for people from out of town and they drag a fifth wheel, it gets into a conflict between what I tell them to do and what their mapping tells them!
Why no RV year, make and floorplan on MY signature as we suggest for others?
I currently DO NOT have one!
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Old 01-21-2025, 04:33 PM   #12
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I'm having problems too. I have a Garmin navigator that is many years old and works great, but the downloads are no longer correct. I got a new one some months ago and the downloads are "all they should be", but the programming is "upsetting" (had to use forum language here).

Regardless of settings, the new one wants to route me where it thinks I should go, completey ignoring the route I programmed into it. I talked to a Garmin rep and told her they could have the new one back if I could get a decent download on the old one. She told me the downloads don't work as well on the older models. I told here, the newer navigators don't work as well as the old ones. Stalemate.

Where the heck are my old paper maps?
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Old 01-21-2025, 06:20 PM   #13
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I used to keep the old ones for a while but then I wanted to give one to a grandson and tried to update the maps. First big problem was the amount of space needed for the new maps and then second was the processor speed was so low that it might have taken a week to get just a small slice of some portion of the maps!

So we have moved one small step closer to being a total throw away society!
When I look at the built in screen services on new cars and think of what value those cars will have when the screen is no longer usable?
Not a place I want to go but very likely the next car we have will be set up with nonsense of that sort.
Like your cell phone or computer, I assume we just limp along without the new "feature" working or we trade for a different car when they stop doing updates

When I look at how the world is gradually moving further toward "temporary" being the norm on things we buy, it does fit the pattern.
Why no RV year, make and floorplan on MY signature as we suggest for others?
I currently DO NOT have one!
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Old 01-22-2025, 07:19 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Morich View Post
I used to keep the old ones for a while but then I wanted to give one to a grandson and tried to update the maps. First big problem was the amount of space needed for the new maps and then second was the processor speed was so low that it might have taken a week to get just a small slice of some portion of the maps!

So we have moved one small step closer to being a total throw away society!
When I look at the built in screen services on new cars and think of what value those cars will have when the screen is no longer usable?
Not a place I want to go but very likely the next car we have will be set up with nonsense of that sort.
Like your cell phone or computer, I assume we just limp along without the new "feature" working or we trade for a different car when they stop doing updates

When I look at how the world is gradually moving further toward "temporary" being the norm on things we buy, it does fit the pattern.
"... no longer usable" - couldn't be more accurate.

"temporary" - the old fashioned term was built-in-obsolescence. They have gone wild with it.
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