The diverging diamond is familiar and we use them when crossing the interstates. But the idea is totally different for an intersection on local surface streets.
But the naming of intersections is not the real purpose of my post.
My first question has been solved as I was wondering if Garmin had stopped doing the map updates.
If that stopped, the value of my Garmin would become so much less that I was looking at other options like setting up my android auto. It is a built in function on my car but I have never found it worth figuring how to connect as I am far more used to using Garmin. I like the Garmin coming from satellites as it works in places without cell service!
But if they had stopped updates, I was going to have to go with what got the new info as needed.
But that has been answered now! After checking frequently and not seeing new, I posted this question and suddenly the next day, checking found new updates!
This is a drawing I found online but it is somewhat less complex to figure as there is only one high traffic route instead of using displaced left turns on both East-West and North-South traffic.
The main different when all directions pass through at street level, there are lots more signal lights to follow! When crossing an interstate, most through traffic just blows through without much slowdown.
As a side note, we find the mapping has changed but not reached the level of mapping the full layout of lanes. Sorting which lane to get into takes more attention and that is where GPS could be very helpful to point out which lane to get into!
When in an RV and towing a car, I REALLY like knowing in advance which lane is correct!
Traffic has a way of sorting out who should not be on the road!
We are currently not set up well for owning so we are doing more rentals for RV and that has both good and bad points.
One nice thing is that it forces us to trim down on the "maybe we need this" stuff. We travel lighter and with less headaches of that sort.
But the downside is that we are not as familiar with where to push which switch while driving!