As a follow up question?
How are you setup for swapping info? Are you using a cellphone for comms or a laptop, etc. where you get a bigger picture?
I've done lots of looking at the drawings here and it is much more effective if we can swap drawing info.
I have done a lot of that and have the setup working where I can cut out parts of drawings to mark up power paths, etc. to pass along. But recently I have found that much of that work is wasted effort as it is too small to be read on cellphones!
So the question comes down to whether it is something that could help or just a waste?
Referring to info from this drawing, if you go direct to them for info:
I will send along this snip of the OEM drawings in an effort to find what is useful or wasted?
This is a snip of the 110Ac drawings that the inverter GFCI might kill. Is it something you can read?
Click to get the bigger/better picture to read!
Trying to get a feel of what might help and what is just wasting your time and adding to your frustration!