04-27-2012, 06:40 AM
Winnebago Camper
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 23
Originally Posted by wa8yxm
That is easy.. Call Dewy, Cheatum & Howe Attorneys at Law.
(Ok so that's a fictional law frim thank you Mssrs Fine, Howard and Fine, also known as the 3 Stooges)
Seriously.. You start a class action by contacting an attorney, if he or she is interested they will tell you what you need to do next. If you find a sufficent class then the attorney will take the case.. When the settlement is made the Attorney's pay is decided upon by the Judge, You get paid out of what's left and when you cash the check you can take your sweety out to dinner... at McDonalds. cause that's all it wil cover..
(As for the attorney.. He gets to by a new 50 foot Yacht with his check, and funds left over for insurance license and fuel)
Class actions are the only alternative since there is no Govt mechanism to force the bad actors to do the right thing other than a safety recall when the facts allow it. Without a class action the people harmed would have nothing. Now they get something without costs or the trouble of suing themselves which they can do if they opt out of the class. Class action serve an even greater benefit -- the possibility of expensive future class actions causes potential bad actors (e.g. a manufacturer) to be alot more careful when designing things. Here is an example of one I was very happy with. Had a 1989 Jeep Cherokee from new w. ABS brakes. Serious problems with the abs system and very expensive to repair. Class action occurred and result yes attorney got paid alot for their long hard work and expenses of their expert engineers etc, but Chrysler (who owns Jeep) issued a lifetime warranty on the abs module and a 100,000 mile warranty on all the other abs parts of the system for the 89 and 90 jeeps that had the sys. Not too shabby!
2012 Winnebago Itasca Meridian 42e Cummins Freightliner; 2009 Honda Fit
05-06-2012, 06:10 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 343
As of May 01, 2012, my father-in-law reports that efforts to go through arbitration have failed. La Mesa RV refuses to take any ownership of knowing first-hand that the windshield was rusted out and selling to my father-in-law in that condition. During the process of going through arbitration, while La Mesa RV referred to their glass vendor as an 'expert in the field', they refuse to even identify the name of the company and individual who did the work. They stand behind their vendor and his repair, and refuse all comment on why the windshield leaked after the repair.
Looks like it now goes to the last step, California Small Claims Court. While my father-in-law had been flexible and was willing to compromise and go 50/50 on the total cost of repairs, by now having to go to court he's starting over and will be requesting the full amount of repairs. So far, he pretty much was offered nothing, so I feel that taking the issue to a judge, he has a good chance of being awarded something more than that!
Anyone even remotely thinking of buying ANY RV from any of the La Mesa RV stores might want to remember that while their website makes claims about customer satisfaction being a priority, they have one person out of the San Diego stores that makes the final decisions regarding customer claims. At least in this case, it seems to be all about saving the company money and nothing about customer satisfaction. -RT
05-08-2012, 08:33 PM
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Posts: 437
I have no dog in this race;; However, I had a unit once That had A lot of problems, ( I will not bore you with the simple details) I fought With the dealership And the Factory (well known one) For 3 years; The problems Persisted, The factory Offered me a deal of A life time, ( We are talking ten thousands of dollers) Because I owned the Vehical for three years they took the low blue book gave me that much on a trade in on a new Overpriced unit; The ball was in MY court Pay the extra money. That I detested , OR shout up. and keep my piece of junk.... Let me tell you. Please Don't wast your time Beating A dead Horse. You will only worry your self in the grave.. I posted something like this on a nother post and was Accused of being Employeed by Winnebage. NO NOT SO. and never have been. I have been Inolved With a lot of Common scense;; Life is good;
05-09-2012, 12:00 AM
Winnebago Owner
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Posts: 58
Originally Posted by bachler
I have no dog in this race;; However, I had a unit once That had A lot of problems, ( I will not bore you with the simple details) I fought With the dealership And the Factory (well known one) For 3 years; The problems Persisted, The factory Offered me a deal of A life time, ( We are talking ten thousands of dollers) Because I owned the Vehical for three years they took the low blue book gave me that much on a trade in on a new Overpriced unit; The ball was in MY court Pay the extra money. That I detested , OR shout up. and keep my piece of junk.... Let me tell you. Please Don't wast your time Beating A dead Horse. You will only worry your self in the grave.. I posted something like this on a nother post and was Accused of being Employeed by Winnebage. NO NOT SO. and never have been. I have been Inolved With a lot of Common scense;; Life is good;
Bachler, Bachler, Bachler. You SAY you have 'no horse' in any of these Winnebago rust threads, yet you show up with your opinion that no one who has ever been affected by this horrible rust issue should "beat a dead horse" (despite the fact that some owners will pay upwards of about $10,000 out of their own pockets to repair their rigs if they don't catch it it time). Well here's some news: The NHTSA believes that THIS IS AN ISSUE (please see BubbleTruck's post above). I don't know about the rest of those who read your posts, but I'm a bit more inclined to side with a knowledgeable authority like the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration than someone who, for some unknown reason is constantly trying to minimize this issue. So this issue is finally coming to a greater light - LIFE REALLY IS GOOD.
05-09-2012, 07:57 AM
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Posts: 437
Friends what I am stating. Is what I have Experianced. And Some of my encounters with The Manufactures Was not plasent;; They are I business to make money;; If you would like to contact me Direct I can share The facts.. AS I do not hid behind some Silly name. I am Only Stating the facts. Yet some Posters take it Personal. Just what is the problem anyway;; I guess This is ment to be Just a oneway discussion.. OR some can't handle the truth ???
05-09-2012, 08:05 AM
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Posts: 437
Oh for the Uninformed; WE had rust issues ON 3 of our Winnebagos; But life goes on.. I found Fighting with the dealers. Glass replacement shops. Is like Rocking in a rocking chair. You are busy doing something But accomplishing Nothing.. I also have loyers/attorneys/law enforcement personal in the family.With all that information and $10.00 bucks you can go to starbucks and buy a cup of coffee..
05-09-2012, 06:32 PM
Winnebago Owner
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Posts: 58
Where there is a Winnebago rust thread, there will be Bachler saying, "Relax, don't worry about it. Life is good." He is as predictable as rust.
05-09-2012, 10:50 PM
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Posts: 437
Oh I almost for got.... Lets be real kids and keep throwing little Barbs.. ;; And use names we are all proud of;; Call me %^$#$%^. Only the facts..
05-10-2012, 02:01 AM
Winnebago Owner
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Posts: 58
Originally Posted by bachler
Oh I almost for got.... Lets be real kids and keep throwing little Barbs.. ;; And use names we are all proud of;; Call me %^$#$%^. Only the facts..
See what I mean?
08-21-2012, 05:27 AM
Winnebago Owner
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 122
Originally Posted by RTegarini
As of May 01, 2012, my father-in-law reports that efforts to go through arbitration have failed. La Mesa RV refuses to take any ownership of knowing first-hand that the windshield was rusted out and selling to my father-in-law in that condition. During the process of going through arbitration, while La Mesa RV referred to their glass vendor as an 'expert in the field', they refuse to even identify the name of the company and individual who did the work. They stand behind their vendor and his repair, and refuse all comment on why the windshield leaked after the repair.
Looks like it now goes to the last step, California Small Claims Court. While my father-in-law had been flexible and was willing to compromise and go 50/50 on the total cost of repairs, by now having to go to court he's starting over and will be requesting the full amount of repairs. So far, he pretty much was offered nothing, so I feel that taking the issue to a judge, he has a good chance of being awarded something more than that!
Anyone even remotely thinking of buying ANY RV from any of the La Mesa RV stores might want to remember that while their website makes claims about customer satisfaction being a priority, they have one person out of the San Diego stores that makes the final decisions regarding customer claims. At least in this case, it seems to be all about saving the company money and nothing about customer satisfaction. -RT
I have a Winnebago (2001) and have NOT experienced any leaking, so far.
1. Where did you end up with your attempt to be reimbursed?
2. What do I look for in my Class A to check for this problem?
My unit was supposedly kept "under roof" by the previous owner.
So, any advice, please, would be appreciated.
08-21-2012, 07:15 AM
Winnebago Owner
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: chokoloskee, fl 34138
Posts: 126
I guess glue is holding my winshield in because all the bottom support are rusted away. I hope to report soon that I am no longer a winnebago/ workhorse owner!
2016 Dynamax DX3
08-21-2012, 07:48 AM
Winnebago Camper
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: brooksville fl
Posts: 13
I am in the process of buying another motorhome and two that are not on the list are thor and Winnebago. Let the internet do its thing and a million thanks for keeping it posted. Just like the auto makers ; they have to be hit over the head to see what happens when sales fall off. Sometimes they never get it!!!
2013 f150 4x4, 2 pia horses! 2016 phaeton 40 ah and 2015 polaris sling shot
08-22-2012, 02:18 AM
Winnebago Owner
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Posts: 58
Originally Posted by anotherone
I am in the process of buying another motorhome and two that are not on the list are thor and Winnebago. Let the internet do its thing and a million thanks for keeping it posted. Just like the auto makers ; they have to be hit over the head to see what happens when sales fall off. Sometimes they never get it!!! 
It sure would be great to hear from someone at the decision-making level at Winnebago to let potential buyers know whether and how this issue has been addressed on the new models...
08-22-2012, 05:10 AM
Winnebago Owner
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Location: FL
Posts: 201
Originally Posted by winnie32v
I have a Winnebago (2001) and have NOT experienced any leaking, so far.
1. Where did you end up with your attempt to be reimbursed?
2. What do I look for in my Class A to check for this problem?
My unit was supposedly kept "under roof" by the previous owner.
So, any advice, please, would be appreciated.
Peel back the plastic molding around the windshield and look for any rust around where the window is mounted to the metal frame.
Good luck,
2002 32' Adventurer 8.1 Workhorse no toad
Our 2 Girls,Sweetie Pie & Shadow
08-22-2012, 04:52 PM
Winnebago Camper
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Boulder CIty NV
Posts: 29
Small Claims is always an option for your Dad. California small claims courts are very consumer oriented on anything not repaired during the reconditioning process wheteher disclosed to the consumer or not. Last time I checked you can use small claims one time for up to 5K dollars if you have not filed a suit in the past 12 mos. Used to work for auto dealers in Cali and was rarely successfull defending ourselves in small claims.
08-23-2012, 07:30 AM
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Posts: 437
My favorite Judge show on TV. Is watching that Little old Prune of a Judge Lecture Plaintives and defendents, about various things. I would like to see Winnebago VRS. Polkie Smith. By J. J. . That would be good.
01-12-2013, 11:11 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 343
Originally Posted by winnie32v
I have a Winnebago (2001) and have NOT experienced any leaking, so far.
1. Where did you end up with your attempt to be reimbursed?
2. What do I look for in my Class A to check for this problem?
My unit was supposedly kept "under roof" by the previous owner.
So, any advice, please, would be appreciated.
Looks like I didn't see these questions when the thread was more current, but to answer the reimbursement part of it, my father got all the way to setting a court date and the dealer 'reconsidered' the negotiations that my father-in-law had tried to do with the dealer. Dealer reimbursed him 50% of the total cost, which covered one windshield replacement. My father-in-law thought all along that would be fair to both parties, so he accepted.
Most of the rest of us won't have the luxury of getting any reimbursemet at a dealer level: remember, in his case he had recently purchased it used and the dealer had to make a windshield repair before he took actual delivery, so the dealer knew first-hand about the needed repairs and never said a word to him. -RT
01-16-2013, 10:56 AM
Winnebago Owner
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Posts: 58
Originally Posted by Springer45
Small Claims is always an option for your Dad. California small claims courts are very consumer oriented on anything not repaired during the reconditioning process wheteher disclosed to the consumer or not. Last time I checked you can use small claims one time for up to 5K dollars if you have not filed a suit in the past 12 mos. Used to work for auto dealers in Cali and was rarely successfull defending ourselves in small claims.
Small Claims Court is definitely up an option and provides for recoveries of up to $5,000 (at least in California). Something to remember is that you must sue the dealer, not the manufacturer. Also, judgements cannot exceed the amount originally paid to the dealer. Not really an issue in buying a large ticket item like an RV, but just for FYI. Make sure to have your purchase and windshield repair receipts along with as many clear photos as it takes to prove your point. Good luck to all of you who have experienced this problem. Also, although my Winnebago rust thread has been closed on this site, it can still be viewed by searching Winnebago and Rust together. At last check it had over 18,000 views and contains lots of valuable information.
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