I also have a CURT Echo...there is a attachment 'protocol' that you must follow, or your CURT Echo will not properly interrogate the trailer attached to it...
1. Turn on your engine. This MUST be running before you attach anything.
2. Firmly seat the CURT Echo blue-toothed enabled brake control module into your 7 pin female tow vehicle plug in.
3. After the blue flashing light goes green, put the trailer cord into the back end of the CURT Echo module. Then, (with your cell phone set as Blue Tooth (on), fire up the Curt Echo app. The app will sense your Curt Echo as (you have already created the link) and will ask you each time for the numerical set of numbers that came with your unit. As soon as you enter them correctly, and press 'OK'...the app will connect with the controller, and you will see a profile that you set up..or one that comes with it, like Profile 1. Press that, and you will then see the Application Screen, with a round icon. Press and hold that icon, and you will see (if the app is correctly communicating with the module) a blue circle. That is your manual control of your trailer brakes. That also is a good test that the cell phone app HAS communicated with the module, and is now allowing you to control your brakes. The Curt Echo unit has a velocity sensor, that adjusts the force as need's be, to engage your electric trailer brakes. You can by means of the app, control just HOW much engagement of the trailer brakes commences, and at what rate of application from mild, barely on, to full on. Please read your owner's manual to make sure you do indeed have a fully working Curt Echo. Also, make SURE, that both the Echo Module, has the hold down tab engaged, on the lid of the tow vehicle's 7 pin cover...AND..as well, your trailer cord...is fully engaged into the back end of the Curt Echo..and that ***ITS COVER LOCK*** is securing your trailer light plug..or you might find that it will fall out of the back end of the module...and drag upon the ground.
A tip...if ever you apply the brakes...and you DO NOT SEE any part of the round circle turn blue to indicate the force and application of your trailer brakes STOP, STOP, STOP ASAP...and most likely, your trailer cord has fallen out of the back end of the Curt Echo module...and is now grinding down to death on the highway, or road way..as well as you have no trailer lights, or turn signals working...STOP IMMEDIATELY and walk back to take a look at the connection! I had this happen twice to me, until I really, really made sure that the back of the Curt Echo's cap had fully engaged the lock in flat tab of my trailer's light and brake cord.